The Certified Goal Mapping Practitioner Programme
Become a Life Lifter
If you are reading this then maybe some part of you, like me, is drawn to making a difference in the world, helping to LIFT lives.
Finding the thing that makes your heart sing, your purpose, and helping other people find theirs is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences of life.
Join our community of Life Lifters by attending the Goal Mapping Practitioner programme and become part of a family of like-minded people with the uniting purpose of helping to lift each other and the world. The Programme is a life changing experience for yourself, and a gift that you can share with anyone in business, education, wellbeing, sport or anything you want to achieve.
The Goal Mapping Practitioner Programme not only helps you to make a difference in the world, it also helps you to make a phenomenal living for yourself. Imagine being financially rewarded everyday for helping to lift hearts and minds. Literally helping people create the life of their dreams, whilst creating your life exactly as you wish it to be.
The growth of goals
Since discovering Goal Mapping it has not only helped to change my life, I have helped thousands of people to change their life, and now with the growing community of Goal Mapping Practitioners millions of people are being lifted around the world.
Join me in our global mission to LIFT Lives by teaching people to think their best thoughts, feel their best feelings and live their best lives using the Goal Mapping System.
Goal Mapping is the universal life-skill for turning your dreams into reality. It is hailed as the world’s leading goal setting system for personal and professional development. Global Businesses like Siemens, Microsoft, Coco-Cola, Barclays and BT are long-term users of the system, and personal development giants such as Anthony Robbins says;
“Brian is one of the best at helping people create a world-class blueprint for their life, not just goals but sustainable success. His Mapping Systems are a blast and really effective.”
What makes Goal Mapping so incredibly powerful and effective is its ability to connect your consciously chosen goals and objectives, to your subconscious autopilot, so that your subconscious begins to move you and your goals towards each other automatically, every day helping you achieve them.
Goal Mapping creates amazing power through its unique combination of words, for the conscious mind, and pictures or symbols to command the subconscious mind.
By using this special approach of words and pictures Goal Mapping stimulates both the left-brain and the right-brain, and through this ‘whole-brain activation’ helps people become crystal clear about what they really want and why they want it, then commands their subconscious autopilot to help them get it.
People use Goal Mapping to achieve fantastic success in their wealth, health, career, education, sport, weight-loss or any other type of success you can dream of. It is truly a universal system for success that can serve life-long and life-wide.
Regardless of whether you are an established trainer, teacher or coach, or someone committed to making a difference, the Goal Mapping Practitioner programme will empower you to help lift and change lives whilst bringing you an income from developing a successful business as a Certified Goal Mapping Practitioner.
Using our incredible training and Goal Mapping Practitioner support system you will;
Receive training and accreditation to facilitate the Goal Mapping System to individuals and groups whether in business, education, or public groups.
Access and supply an established life-changing training programme, packed with rich content and a history of success spanning almost 20 years and reaching millions of people.
Keep all profits generated by your presentations.
Join a community of like-minded, motivated and innovative individuals all helping each other dedicated to making a positive difference in the world.
Have access to marketing material, promotional tools, manuals, delegate resources, PowerPoint presentations and much more at a dedicated Academy website where you will also benefit from reduced rates on all Goal Mapping products providing an additional income source for you.
People from all walks of life and from all over the world are taking control and changing their lives for the better by attending a Goal Mapping workshop or coaching session. We need more people teaching, coaching and sharing this amazing system to help lift as many lives as possible.
"Brian Mayne’s Goal Mapping has not only changed the way my people work but in many cases has changed the way they lived."
"This course has put me on purpose and improved my means to give my gift to others. The material is the best I have ever seen. "
"The materials were all wonderfully easy to deliver and the style of the programme enabled us to practise and build confidence. I now live my goal of inspiring young people to live their best lives.
"This workshop is excellent for personal and professional development. My life is changing, transforming and impacting on others also. "
Are you a Life Lifter?
If so join us and together we can Lift the world.
Because Goal Mapping is such a versatile tool it can be used in practically any area of life, for anything that an individual wants to achieve.
By becoming a Goal Mapping Practitioner you will:
Learn how to harness and share the power of positive thinking
Learn how to move beyond motivation into purpose led inspiration
Learn how to condition the subconscious auto-pilot for success
Learn how to set and achieve goals through Goal Mapping
Learn how to powerfully coach others into achieving their goals
Learn how to empower children with the Goal Mapping technique
Learn how to create and teach specific project-focused Goal Maps for businesses, client objectives, and social projects.
"By using Goal Mapping I learned that I had to start with loving myself and to accept ALL facets of my being. By breaking it all down logically and then drawing it creatively my life became so much clearer. Six months down the line I have forgiven myself, I have lost a lot of weight, my self esteem is higher than ever and I actually love the parts of me that I used to hate! But most importantly I am starting a fantastic new business venture and my belief of succeeding is very strong.
So What Do You Get?
A 3 day intensive training event with Brian Mayne
A FULL Trainers KIT including manuals, guides, PowerPoint Presentations, CD Audio Pack, delegate workbook and more
Goal Mapping Online GOLD membership for 1 year. Your membership will be set up within 7 days of completed accreditation.
Access to the exclusive LIFT ACADEMY Marketing, Delivery, and Business SUPPORT Web site
Student training Practitioner Manual with workbook to help you lift young lives
Access to Life Mapping Practitioner, Action Mapping Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Advanced Trainings which are exclusive to Goal Mapping Practitioners
Certificate of accreditation
Practitioner Logo's, marketing guidelines and flyers to use for your client marketing opportunities
This three day training is in three modules
Module 1 – The Seven key principles for Goal Mapping
Module 2 – The Seven steps of Goal Mapping
Module 3 – Becoming a Life Lifter
To ensure you get the most out of the training, there will be a variety of learning formats: group presentations, ‘how to’ demonstrations, practise sessions, and plenty of opportunity to have your questions answered as you go along
The prerequisite for attendance on the Goal Mapping Practitioner Programme is completion of the Goal Mapping Success Workshop. This can be done via attendance on a live workshop delivered by an accredited Practitioner or via an audio or DVD learning pack.
In addition you will need to bring a completed ‘whole life’ Goal Map that you have created within two weeks prior to attendance of this programme.
You can get Goal Mapping worksheets from here
So here’s your opportunity to get your colour pens out and paint the next chapter of your life!
If you feel passionate about Goal Mapping and the prospect of sharing this system with others on a professional basis, then join us and become an accredited Goal Mapping Practitioner. Places are limited to become the next Goal Mapping Practitioner in Finland.
Program details
Length: 3 full days
Date: Friday - Sunday September 7-9, 2018
Time: The days are starting at 9am and ending by 5.30pm. Be prepared for optional evening program on Saturday night.
Venue: Sokos Hotel Presidentti, Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 4, 00100 Helsinki
Language: English
Organizer: Uskalla Innostua -team
Official international investment for this program is 2500 pounds. In Finland the price is 3100 euros.
Prices include materials, coffee, tea and snacks and VAT 24%.
Also you will have full recording from the Goal Mapping Practitioner training (Helsinki 2015).
Payment will be settled when you register to this event. You can pay in one payment or in multiple payments.
Register by contacting us. We will do our best to give you the best training possible.